Previous post covered almost all functions in BackgroundJob class except for ContinueWith functions family. So here we go :)

The fact that it has the same name as a System.Threading.Tasks.Task function is not without a coincidence, or at least I hope so. This method allows chaining jobs where one will be enqueued when the previous finishes. To repeat - the job won’t be executed, but enqueued. So it will go at the end of the queue. So lets look at the function and overrides signature:

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This part will cover few small topics:

  • dashboard
  • retries
  • more technical part of the Hangfire.BackgroundJob class API
  • job cancellation
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This part will focus on the basic scheduling API of Hangfire. The easiest way to create a fire and forget job is by using the classHangfire.BackgroundJob and its minimalistic (and this is a complement) API of static functions:

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In the previous post I’ve written about why I think the ability to schedule tasks for later execution is a fundamental technical feature, but also a must have from business’ point of view. We are passed the whys, so let’s get to the hows. The answer is simple - Hangfire. I’ve written about it here, here and here, so yeah, you guessed it, I like it. Hangfire is an amazing library. It has shown it’s value in my pet project ( and in a huge ERP system that we are building at work, where we replaced Quartz.NET with it and never looked back.

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This is a post about the importance of not doing stuff right here and right now. About doing stuff later, delaying them and in a perfect world making someone else do them. But I will still stick to IT, don’t expect any life tips or guidance.

A mindset I see constantly in system design is doing the right thing right now, and even more stuff after that. Like sending an email, doing a REST call, performing some CPU intense calculations, calling an external resource. We are doing those things where they should be from the logical point of view. So, if we are given a task like registering an user that sound more or less like that:

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