In the previous post I’ve written about new features in Neo4j. One of the new game changing functions were stored procedures. But, as I experienced, getting them to run on a Windows / .NET environment wasn’t that easy, and I was seeing “There is no procedure with the name …” more often then I wished for. So here is a short how to. Hope to save you some googling.

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Last week I had the opportunity to attend Graph Connect Europe. Many great sessions, but one thing topped them all - Neo4j 3.0 is out!

And as with previous major release (it introduced Cypher) there are many bug fixes, tweaks, speed improvements, but here are my personal favorites:

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The last time I described the hardware cookit is running on. Commonly referred as crap.

Now it’s time for some info what exactly is running on this fine pieace of hardware.

So, what is responsible for what?

  • The website - besides the obvious of serving the, it also hosts the admin panel and Hangfire dashboard. This part is almost read-only. Even the admin panel - all it does is schedule a Hangfire job and that’s it.
    That idea stuck with me since reading a blog post about how reddit is architectured. And by the way it is a must read blog for anyone interested in how the big guys design their systems.
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As a pet project, I’m running - a search engine for recipes, ingredients and food in general. 

I will be writing some more about the software side and all the problems I’ve encountered, but because StackExchange published it’s hardware setup I also felt in need to share what is my hardware.

Let’s start with…

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This describes the content of a zip package containing demo files from my talk Why dragons need graphs. There are two folders containing a create script and some query scripts showing basic, and more advanced syntax of Neo4j Cypher.

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