General info
Theory to practice ratio: 90% practice
Duration: 3 days
This workshop is designed to introduce developers to a wide array of most commonly used Azure services. Key features:
- Very hands-on heavy
- Practical usage scenarios
- Helps developers choose the proper service to a given problem
- Cost optimization
- Introduction
- Cloud orchestration with Terraform
- Why use an orchestration tool?
- Connecting to Azure using a Service Principal
- File structure
- Dependency graphs
- Compute
- App Service
- How it works and usages
- Troubleshooting
- Kudu
- Logs
- Remote debugging
- Deployment
- Git, FTP, Zip deploy
- Deployment slots
- Plans, scaling, and pricing
- Azure Functions This training is executed in NodeJS and C#.
- How it works and placement on the axis of Azure services.
- Plans and pricing
- Local development
- Cross function communication
- Durable functions
- Troubleshooting and monitoring
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Deployments
- K8s vs. AKS
- Scaling
- Pricing
- App Service
- Data
- Blob Storage
- Block Blobs
- Append Blobs
- Page Blobs
- Security
- Good practices
- Azure Table Storage
- Introduction to wide table databases
- Consistency
- Architecture and usage
- Performance
- Introduction to wide table databases
- Cosmos DB
- Multiple offerings in Cosmos DB
- Modeling data for different databases
- Document databases
- Graph databases
- Wide table
- Key-value
- Partition key
- Importance of selecting a proper partition key
- How to pick the right partition key
- Pricing, provisioning, and RUs
- Blob Storage
- Messaging
- Azure Service Bus
- Messaging patterns
- Queues
- Topics
- Large messages
- Security
- Pricing and limitations
- Azure Queue Storage
- Usage, limitations, and pricing
- Azure Service Bus
- Operations
- Application Insights
- Integration with applications
- Tracing
- Log Analytics
- Alerts
- Smart Detection
- Custom metrics
- Azure DevOps
- Repos
- Build pipelines
- Deployment
- Quality gates
- Application Insights
After the training all attendees get a before and after zip package with all excercises done during the workshop.